Friday, February 27, 2009

Big Lent

Man, lent is long. So the deal is you're not supposed to eat any meat...and that's even for breakfast and lunch, not just dinner? And does that count non-kosher meat?

Theoretical question: since "traditionally, people have fasted by eliminating luxury items from their diets, such as meats," but currently luxury items in my diet are fish, not meat, does that mean that I should skip fish instead of meat this lent? Fish costs twice or thrice as much as meat.

Since fish is no longer the poor man's food, doesn't that defeat the purpose of fasting altogether?

When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
—Matthew 6:16-18, NIV

See, when I eat fish I consider it to be awesome, a treat, come on, salmon, swordfish, smoked bream--why would the unseen Father reward me for treating myself on Fridays, the day of the crucifixion? Besides the joy of eating it, I'm afraid I'd also be taking joy in being a good Christian, which is the sin of pride. So is it worth it? Man, I gotta start making it to church more often.

I guess until I figure this all out I'll compromise and do fish for lent but only on Fridays. Fish every day doesn't make it into my budget anyway.

How about some cooking advise, Liepa, or anybody else?

I'll start with the simple question: what the hell do I do with two pounds of over cooked spaghetti? My first thought is to make tetrazzini with it, but if it's gonna suck then I'd just be wasting a bunch more ingredients, might was well just toss the spaghetti at a homeless man with dry elbows.

Now the more serious question: anybody ever made a Sourdough Starter Culture? I happened across this recipe by accident and found it intriguing. For a little comparison, this here recipe has the highest rating from allrecipes. One is just wheat flour and water, the other is flour, milk, sugar, and yeast. I'm sure the yeast is unnecessary, thanks to a thorough comment that explains why it's not. Otherwise, I have no idea which one to try. I'm asking for advice because this is apparently an investment with years of payoff--the first recipe claims that the culture lasts for at least six years, possibly forever. So I might as well do it right. Suggestions?

I suppose one more question may be the most important of all: do I like sourdough bread? I can't remember...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Article of the Day

The Water Wizards of Oz, by by Chris Brown, is about water rationing in Australia. I read it yesterday during an exam I was giving (to just one student, so I didn't have to keep my eyes on all corners of the room). I should have stayed silent, but I couldn't help chuckling.

p.s. I've been to Australia, but I can't seem to is Vegemite?!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Gifts for My Family

We appreciate all the gifts we've ever gotten! Except for that time Lokys farted right at me.

We do not look a gift horse in the mouth (or a Lithuanian gift horse in the teeth). We would rather feel ungrateful by telling people what to buy/not buy for our kid(s--I've already received an email asking whent to start sending baby presents).

But there are two points I think I should make clear. I've decided it will be worth it to avoid uncomfortableness by making two requests here for everyone who might buy something for my kids. I'll add them to my blog header for people who miss this post.

1. Please avoid things made in China. I realize many things (e.g. Monopoly, Boggle, many other games) are only made there, and if that's the case so be it. However, please note that such things will either have to be cleaned or laundered by hand or in the washing machine before we let her play with them; any toys with small parts will have to wait in the closet until the kids are old enough not to swallow them.

2. Please avoid all things pink. All other colors are super, even peach and lavender are okay (sort of)!

Once again, thanks for every gift everybody's ever given us. Please do excuse me, but this is the least awekward way I could think of to pass on our wishes.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Rum Tasting

I've had the Stroh bottle sincemy trip to Austria, and I've been drinking the Captain Silver and Gold rum for quite a while. The Stroh, at 160 proof, is a very good rum, though it doesn't quite match the fifteen year aged caribean rum Aidas served me a few weeks ago. It's obviously better then the latter two, though they are totally a bargain and easily worth the price for mixed drinks. The Old Monk Rum is a new one. As long as I had four rums total, including a brand new one, I thought I might as well have a Rum tasting. I was assisted by noone.

The results of the tasting are in: Stroh remains #1, followed by Old Monk Rum, Captain Gold, and Captain Silver. However, the Old Monk isn't twice as good as Captain Gold, though it does cost twice as much. I probably won't buy it again, though I'll enjoy having a variety in the cabinet.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Virgin Airline's Food is Subsubpar

This is quite funny (the comment that said it sounds like hitchhiker's guide to the galixy is right habibi): The World's Best Airline Complaint Letter

I found the link to it on Excessive Mastication

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Article of the Day

Stimulate First, Ask Questions Later: With the stimulus bill, Obama chose urgency over transparency, by John Dickerson, is a good article clearly showing Obama's total disregard for one of his biggest campaign promises. It was one of the few promises I would have liked him to keep.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Death Wish

Anybody know what a Čeburėkas is? It's a deep fried meat filled pastry--and it stinks something awful. They're made at a Čeburėkinė, which is a small restaurant, the entire thing, including he kitchen, is the size of my bedroom. As soon as you go in there the stench assaults you. I go there very rarely, nowadays, but for some reason I went there yesterday. I had an urge for a Čeburėkas.

When I go I pop in to order and then wait outside while they fry it up. I look inside the windows, bewildered by the patrons sitting inside and eating. Don't they know they're going to stink all day until they discard their clothes in the refuse bin and shaves their heads and eye brows? I especially feel bad for the people who work there. 1,000 Čeburėkai stink.

On the other hand, one Čeburėkas smells delicious. Because I didn't want to discard my clothes in the refuse bin nor shaves my head and eye brows, I left with exactly one Čeburėkas in three plastic bags (the one with handles they won't give you unless you specifically ask). Despite the bags you can smell it easily out on the side walk. Once you get yourself some beer and get on the micro bus, forget about it. You've just shared your lunch plans with everybody else who gets on that thing in no uncertain way, and those plans smell delicious. People's mouths start to water. Anybody who was already hungry before then begins to judge me: what will I do if attacked? How easy would it be to kill me and take my Čeburėkas? Would it be worth it? The answer, of course, is yes: it was totally delicious.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Article of the Day

Reaganomics vs. Obamanomics, by Peter Ferrara, is clear and precise (the topic is, well duh). I think everyone should read it and pass on the essence of it to everyone he talks too for the next week.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

My BBQBEBYOBB Experience

Ever since my father sent me a link to the Bacon Explosion: The BBQ Sausage Recipe of all Recipes post from BBQ Addicts, I've been waiting patiently for my chance to make it. The time is nigh...that is to say, I just made it.

It's all put together, and it only has two problems. 1. My presliced Lithuaian bacon (actually it comes from Spain) is a bit on the thin and short side; i had to make a 2x1 slice rectangle instead of a square, and the weave isn't quite as tight as it could be. 2. I forgot the BBQ sauce on the inside, I just used rub, which I made myself from this recipe. I don't think that makes a big difference, though, and some folks don't like sauce on the inside of things anyway. Now she sits on the kitchen table as the oven preheats and our guest arrives. My mouth is yours?

Update! All in all it was very good, I was very happy with it. But the first bite I took, half a strip of bacon that had stuck to the pan and come off, drenched in bacon fat and bbq sauce and spices was indeed sublime. I started laughing hysterically just from the joy of tasting it.

Update! After my awesome BBQBEBYOBB Experience I just couldn't get over bacon. Today we were supposed to have dinner guests, and I was planning lasagna; all morning I was debating how to add bacon to it. My planning was cut short when Rastenis called to cancel, to say he's too hung over to make it, as usual--fuckin cock sucker. Literately. Bacon still rules.

Friday, February 06, 2009

The Onion Movie

I finally watched the Onion Movie last night. I was pretty excited about it since I love the onion so much, even though the movie was not shown in theaters due to it's suckiness. But as a loyal fan, I assumed it only sucks if you're stupid and that's 90% of people; pleasing 10% of the public isn't good enough for a feature movie. Assuming made an ass out of me and my daughter. First of all, let me clearly state that this is not a movie for children. If you don't believe me, you will when you kid says "Tete, why he's sayin 'fuck' all the time?" (In my defense, it was a PG movie up until one "negro" character used the F word ten times in as many seconds; after that her dolls needed some urgent attention, or so I said.)

Anyways, I'm sorry to say that after 40 minutes I started to say to myself "When the fock is this thing going to end?" Several of the bits are funny, some hilarious, especially towards the end (that is to say, they got funnier with each glass of wine), but the arc that holds them together is, to put it gently, the weakest piece of tripe that I've ever seen, and I've seen at least two dozen movies from the 99 cent bin at the car wash. I've very sorry to say that it's not even worth borrowing from a friend. If you've got nothing else to kill your time with, or if you're totally stoned maybe it will entertain you...but I was truly disappointed. Sorry Onion.

Friggin Soup Magnets

Seriously, if you look at your ties, I bet the ones that have to be taken to the cleaners from time to time are all silk, your best ties, while your non-silk, non-fancy, non-memorable ties hang in the closet for years without needing a cleaning.

Over the past year I've kept my eyes open for solid ties that won't clash with striped shirts. I don't know if that's fashionable, I haven't read GQ in weeks (years and years), but it seems pretty reasonable to me. I finally found a couple in Italy, actually made in Italy, at least that's what the tag says, but cheap because I found them at the outdoor market. One is gray, and it matches one of my sport coats perfectly; add that to black pants and a white shirt I'm a pretty hot shit. Unfortunately, on both the two important occasions I've worn the ensamble, I've managed to drip greasy cafeteria soup onto it before the meeting I'd dressed up for.That never happens! Maybe five times in my whole life. For some reason two of those times were within two weeks of each other on the same tie, even though I eat soup everyday like a good boy. Yesterday I had to drive home in the middle of work to change my tie. WTF? Silk ties are soup magnets.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Where have people's brains gone?

On Monday I got in a big argument with the receptionist at the Health Faculty of my College. Granted I only go there once a week, but even if she's never seen me, her greeting in the employee parking lot should not be "Get your car outta here!" When I told her I am a college professor she just repeated her order, apparently not realizing that by "college" I meant this college. After I finally explained it to her I asked her why she doesn't use her mouth for discovering such things instead of just insulting people.

Today I had another such incident, which I'll post about right here.

This is my counter: