Friday, February 29, 2008

Secretary Chuck Norris?!

I used to think Huckabee was serious about becoming president until he said this: “In my administration there would be room for a Secretary of Defense named Chuck Norris!”

The Most Important Vote of 2008

I've got 128 days left to Svente. I tried to fit into my tauties (national costume) last night. I'm about 2.5 inches too fat. I proposed a simple solution; my special lady countered with a much more difficult and arduous solution. I won't say whose is whose, but I'd like you to vote on which option you think I should pursue:
  • Use a buttion-in patch of fabric to extend the waiste, or
  • Lose 20+ pounds in the 128 days remaining.

p.s. here's why this will be your most important vote!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Laughing at Retards?

I guess growing up in America, I didn't develope a sense of humor for laughing at retarded folks. One of my colleagues was just telling another colleague about a conversation she had with a retard, and they were both laughing pretty hard about his inability to communicate properly. I don't know, I didn't find it highlarious. Or maybe I'm just not in the mood!

I already knew this...

...cause I saw it on Penn and Teller's Bullshit show, but I like this article too.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Dos and Don'ts of a Trip to Italy

  • Do expect to eat pizza at least once a day.
  • Don't leave home without soap and shampoo and every other toiletry besides toilet paper. Even if you run out of that, all the toilets have butt washes.
  • Do get the spicy pasta, though all the pastas are great.
  • Don't get frustrated when it takes hours to find the restaurant you're looking for, all the best places are well-hidden.
  • Do buy three pounds of sausage to bring home, it's awesome!
  • Don't miss the Parthenon, or the crypt, what's it called, weinerschnitzel
  • Do start taking a siesta from day one, lest you be off kilter with all the shops, which are closed from 1-4 p.m. for lunch.
  • Don't visit during one of the ecological days, when driving a car is forbidden; if you do this by accident, do not walk the kilometer to the trainstation with your 26.5 kg. suitcase.

This is my counter: