Thursday, June 19, 2008

Lauryn Hill Virus

I have a virus. I have an empty folder by the name of Lauryn Hill on my desktop. I delete it. When I restart my computer, there it is: right back on my desktop, forever! WTF do I do?

Saturday, June 07, 2008


I knew that you can grow spring onions from old onions in a bit of water, but spring cabbage?! Awesome!

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Nancy Grace

is a bitch.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Holy Shit!!!

What do you call a bicycle enchilada with automobile filling? (From CNN)

Monday, June 02, 2008

Father's Day

Spactacular! Yesterday was Father's Day in Lithuania. Splendid indeed. My gifts were a made-to-order t-shirt with a picture of my special baby that said “Geriausias Pasaulyje Tėtė,” (World’s Best Dad) and my choices for the day's eats, to be prepared by my special lady (who normally does not do the cooking): kababs for lunch and lasagna for dinner.

You may have noticed that I did not spell kababs in the traditional way. I did the same with my recipe search, so I ended up with this recipe. If you wanna know what we did with it, read my review. It was really good.

As you may have guessed, as usual when the weather is good, and we have guests and big lunch plans, we ended up eating them at about 5 p.m. So the dinner was postponed till today, which meant hauling all of its ingredients to Klaipeda. Luckily, though, we do have fennel seed in Klaipeda, which was not to be found in Vilnius on grocery shopping day. It’s quite good, and essential to this recipe. The recipe is not a particularly simple one, including tons of substitutions on the spices when you don’t have a tub of pizza seasonings, so I was impressed, proud, and extremely delighted when my special lady’s Father’s Day dinner was absolutely superb. Awesome!

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