Thursday, June 05, 2008

Nancy Grace

is a bitch.


Rachel Croucher said...

Oh God, what's she gone and done now?

Aras said...

A rant about the tragedy of letting 450 children return to their families, after the Texas supreme court ruled that they were kidnapped, basically. The court ruled the children were not in danger and should never have been taken from their homes. So this bitch explodes on the air about child rape, as if she knows anything the court doesn't know, which she doesn't: she's an airhead. I've noticed on cnn news clips that certain characters get all dramatic, i guess because they're airheads and can't keep our attention without raising their voice.

the guy she's talking to is probably not starving for attention, he's just a dolt who wil say anything rather than have his team look bad.

If you want more about the situation in Texas, which is a gross violation of the polygamists' civil rights, read Kaip Suprast. Lokys has been writing about it.

Rachel Croucher said...

Don't worry, I think Nancy Grace is a total attention whoring fuckard who does her "causes" more damage than good, but still, if you are talking about the religious sect I think further investigation is needed to be taken out rather than just relying on testimony that had been procured from people most likely brainwashed. Courts don't always make the right decisions, trust me, I should know.

Nevertheless I concur that Nancy Grace is a bitch, of the highest order as it were.

Aras said...

nobody would say that these actions were warranted if they weren't polygamists. some kook who has raised a series of false alarms in the past makes what amounts to a prank call, and 450 kids are kidnapped. ever heard of due process?

i don't protest an investigation, if any evidence merits it. but so far this is about as irresponsible as "shoot first, ask questions later." and don't tell me this isn't like shooting. i agree with the family that this is a hugely traumatic experience, and i think i'd rather be shot in the arm than go through it myself with my daughter.

religious sects are a smaller minority than races or genders, so there's no word for their discrimination that ends with -ism, but bigotry towards them is no less telling about a person or society.

p.s. i haven't been following the story as well as lokys, but i believe the court's decision was not made based on any testimony at all, but rather a review of what led to the seizure. not sure though.

Jim Gust said...

You are overlooking the fact that polygamy is illegal.

Rachel Croucher said...

I won't deny they jumped the gun, which has done more damage than good because aside from the fact that polygamy is illegal, we are dealing with people who have most likely been intimidated and brainwashed their whole lives. I agree with you that due process was not followed, which is the tragedy of this case. Now the sect has time to prep its members for any further investigations that may take place in turn scuppering any real chance of prosecutions, or more importantly, getting help to those in the sect who really need it.

Aras said...

why aren't they being charged with polygamy then, tete, if that's their crime? if i'd made the same argument about an interracial marriage instead of a polygamous one, back in the days when that was illegal, i don't think you would find it flawed.

and you're right, rachel. if there has been any wrongdoing, its discovery has become less likely. so one way or the other, the agents of the state are dickhead dunces.

Trashcan said...

The main point here is that these children have been taken without due process because of religious persecution. If you recreated all the same circumstances that led to the taking of these children, but inserted an amish sect instead of a polygamous sect i guarantee they would not take away all of the children the way they did in this case.

Nor do i think religious polygamy is illegal. The state recognizes only 1 marriage and if you tried to legally marry 2 different people that would be a crime, but i don't think it is a crime to have a religious ceremony with another woman, any more than it would be a crime to have a mistress or an affair with another women. I haven't actually looked at the laws, i just don't see how could enforce them. People could just claim they are married to 1 person and raising families with other women, or they are not married and raising bastard children.

Rachel Croucher said...

Holy crap we just agreed on something. Savour the moment!!!

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