Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Heart Attack

I had a mild heart attack yesterday, I think. It felt pretty severe, but I didn't collapse or anything. I was teaching class, and we were talking about what makes people attractive. The students were supposed to think of the most attractive person in the world. They were having trouble, so I told them that other quality besides physical appearance make people, honesty or bravery or intelligence. There are three students in the class that know me already and there is one girl who is new. It was her first day, and at this moment she shouted "Barack Obama!" I shuddered violently and grabbed the left side of my chest--ouch, real pain! I told her she wouldn't think so if she'd been to my classes for the past three weeks. I managed to teach all my other students the truth.

Article of the Day

The Whole Foods Alternative to ObamaCare: Eight things we can do to improve health care without adding to the deficit, by JOHN MACKEY.

Clear and wise.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Godfried Daniel, Picasa is a Fuckface!

For reasons I'll go into on my other blog, I've chosen to start saying Godfried Daniel around my children instead of God Fucking Damn It! I can't put into words how frustrating it is to download Picasa over and over again from different sites claiming to offer it in English and never get it in English. What's the fuckin deal, can somebody please enlighten me? Does google think that nobody in Lithuania speaks English, and that everybody does speak Lithuanian? Both assertions would be dead wrong. But no, that's not even the problem: I tried turning on a privacy program that hides my IP address, and I still can't get the English version! So please, what is the fucking deal already? I had it at work in English, I had it on my laptop in English, is Picasa simply no longer offered in English?

Unfortunately, I haven't decided on a clean version of "fuckface" yet, so I hope my kids were around this afternoon. I'll take suggestions on that too.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Article of the Day

Obama's healthcare horror: Heads should roll -- beginning with Nancy Pelosi's!, by Camille Paglia, is a good piece on the doom of Obama's reform plans, if you can call them "plans." She also points out a couple of the stupider things he and the media have done lately (useful for me because I'm behind on my news reading).

Thanks Liepa!

I wish I were stupid, instead of *so* stupid

When I bought my new computer the guy offered to put a universal card reader into the front. But it doesn't transfer data any faster than my camera cord, and I do have a camera cord, so I didn't take it...even though I didn't know where my camera cord is at the moment...and even though it was only 20 lits!

Now I can't find my camera cord, so I have to bring my computer back to have it installed; I haven't been able to unload my full camera for a week and I have to take the time and pay for the gas to make another trip. Why can't I just be regular stupid?

This is my counter: