Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Article of the Day

Listening to a Liar, by Thomas Sowell. I like Sowell more and more each time I read him.


Liepa said...

Same is true for Camille Paglia! http://www.salon.com/opinion/paglia/2009/09/09/healthcare/index.html

Aras said...

She's too liberal for me.

Liepa said...

give her a chance; she rags on modern-day liberals all the time, and i think she's actually closer to libertarian than liberal.

Aras said...

"[Republicans] assail government overreach and yet support interference in women's control of their own bodies."

"As an Obama supporter and contributor, I..."

A pro-life Obama supporter, Liepa? These are two stand points I cannot reconcile with reason.

Liepa said...

you mean pro-choice?

Aras said...

yeah, obviously. i haven't actually talked about the subject in years maybe. remember the episode when dan meets hillary clinton and accidentally says he doesn't support public funding for secular schools?

Trashcan said...

While there is no doubt that paglia is socially very liberal (pro gay marriage, pro abortion rights) she is also generally economically more conservative, and i think in general she takes fair and reasoned approaches, not just ranting the liberal line. You don't always have to agree, with her perspective, but i don't consider her positions unreasonable. Also being pro choice i think is a libertarian position, or at the least certainly not at odds with libertarianism.

Aras said...

that's true trash, but that doesn't mean a stray from libertarianism: it and i merely disagree on the premise of the abortion question. it sets the premise of the question thusly: is it right to interfere with a woman's body? no, when you put it that way. but i look at it thus: is it right to protect babies from murder?

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