Friday, January 08, 2010

Martinis in the Bathtub (A Facefuck do-here-instead because my status update was over 420 characters--that's why it's in the 3rd person)

This guy has a hard enough time drinking martinis as it is, but let him tell you, doing it horizontal in the bath-tub without spilling cold drips of booze onto himself is not possible. Here's one tip, though, for the majority of you out there who share this problem: the booze drips may be unvoidable, but the cold water drips condensed to the bottom of the glass making it to your chest aren't: you can nullify them by dipping the bottom of your glass into the hot bath water before taking a sip. Then only hot water drips onto your chest, as long as your cold drink goes *into* your mouth. Gerai Luck!

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