Monday, March 26, 2007

That Table Tennis for Two Hours

It's called Beirut, really, or more commonly Beer Pong, and in Boston Bee' Pong. In Lithuanian it's called That Table Tennis (Tas Stalo Tenisas). And in Lithuania you have to play with a normal table because I don't have a ping pong table, so you have to stand a meter (a yard) away from the table to even out the throwing distances. And you have to toss beer caps instead of ping pong balls, cause somebody mishandled my balls. That makes bounce shots practically impossible. Anyway, imagine playing that with a kid running around trying to get in on the action! Well you couldn't even move the table into place probably without someone getting hurt. So we never played till this weekend, while my special baby was visiting her special grama. My special lady won the first round, apparently cause I was malnourished; I say this because after a home made kugelis break, I totally beat her in round two. I'm not sure if I beat her at eating kugelis, we both rocked the crap outta that kugelis.

Other highlights of a party weekend include doing stuff all day without naptime 12-3, the beach, jewlry shopping, other kinds of shopping, foxy boxing, backgammon, going to church, and daylight saving time ending or starting, I don't know which. The crappy one when you lose an hour of sleep. Lokys has a great idea for day light savings which I'm heartily for: move the clock back both times, so you always gain an hour. This sounds one sided, but you can make up for that by skipping a day (how about a Monday?) every twelve years. Then we come out even even though we get two extra hours of sleep each year and one shortenend week each dozen years. It's win-win baby!


Trashcan said...

Also the most popular drinking game at northwestern is caps. Each team has a large glass full of beer and you try to throw beer caps into it, for each cap you drinking it halfway down. Games are ussually played to like 15. so it's kind of like beirut with caps, except there is only 1 glass, and also you play while sitting instead of standing

Liepa said...

also, usually the glass is filled with water, and you just drink half a beer every time the other person gets one in. caps is great. but i can't ever get them in.

Aras said...

sitting? just one cup? caps standard instead of balls? that sounds like lazy poor man's beirut. where do the cups sit, on a cardboard box? and how big does the beer have to be that you can drink half of it 15 times? it must be 1+2^14 gulps big for there to be a gulp left for the 15th drink.

liepa, good for you that you enjoy games you always lose. sometimes i get too competetive.

Trashcan said...

you normally play with teams, and the glass just sits between the team memebers on the floor.

The best part is that the psychological service at northwestern is also called caps. So if you are depressed, you are supposed to contact CAPS, or you can just play some caps.

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