Thursday, June 21, 2007

Since you're board

Everything that's happened over the past week is a secret. That's why I haven't been posting. I've gotten a few complaints from bored people that they don't have anything on my blog to read on work breaks. Therefore, I give you this hilarious, totally indecent link, courtesy of Rachel, which I hope nobody respectable opens, but if you're bored and want to laugh out loud and have to cover your mouth so your supervisor thinks you're having a coughing fit, click at your own risk!


Aras said...

Okay, I read another tale, I've decided it's a hilarious enough site to link to in my sidebar. More indecent than Merkley, and mean as Maddox, this guy is awesome!

mrdarius said...

i think I found the merkley blog for you. he's a photog on Flickr.

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