Wednesday, June 27, 2007

wait, when tf is the election!?

after all the hubbub in newspapers, and after i added the frontrunner's link to my toolbar, i got all excited about giuliani winning this autumn. then today when i was looking at the title, join in 2008, i realized, it's not 2008 yet. so now i gotta wait another year and a freakin' half!? jesus maria! what's up with starting campaigns two+ years ahead of time? if it's that beneficial, let's have the 2012 candidates start up this summer. i can't wait!


Trashcan said...

The primaries aren't even for almost a year. You won't even know if Giuliani is going to be the republican nominee for nearly a year. People are going to get so tired of this election by this november i think they might start poking out their eyes and cutting off their ears to get away from it before the the election

Aras said...

just move to lithuania. then you can pretty much forget about it unless you have guliani's website in your tool bar favorites.. :(

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