Friday, July 27, 2007

Pirates the third, or Pirates the TURD?

Pirates of the Caribbean is a movie I can watch once a month and not get bored of it.

Pirates II is okay too: original, funny and exciting, visually entertaining too.

Pirates III, At World's End, however, should be renamed At Wit's End, since I was at my wit's end trying to enjoy it. No success.
1. Many of the jokes are recycled from the first two movies. Liepa said that made the movie funnier, I don't see it. If I know the punchline before it comes, I consider it poor writing, not funnier.
2. No great fight scenes. II managed not to be repetitive by having the great sword fight on the mill wheel rolling down the hill. All III managed was having sword fights in the!
3. No new visual effects. II had the pirates hanging in cages, the sword fight mentioned above, Jack falling between those cliffs, and Davey Jones and his crew. All III had was the maelstrom, and my next complaint.
4. The delirious scene? All white with a guy's nose crawling along the screen? Get out of my face. I thought this was a pirate movie, not a weirdo mind trip movie. Most out of genre scene ever!
5. And every seen a shitty bad guy? Not this shitty! Lord Becket was all talk, and even that he was shitty at. How's this for a farewell as the ships goes down: "It was just supposed to be good business." Too bad I didn't know it wasn't supposed a good movie instead!


Trashcan said...

The third one was retarted. The point of the first one is that not all pirates are bad, but obviously some are namely barbosa. The third movie was trying to make the point that all pirates are good, and anyone who works for the government is evil, even if they've never done anything evil themselves. It just made no sense at all. There was nothing interesting in the movie. But i believe it made about a billion dollars worldwide, and that's just in theaters. So it's a pretty good bet that there will be a 4rth movie. I didn't like spiderman 3 or shrek 3 either. All stupid, but all made gobs of money. The simpsons movie was quite good though, i felt the new york times review was very accurate. Not as good as the very best simpsons episodes, but basically a long very good episode of the simpsons.

Aras said...

i agree with you on all points, except i haven't seen spiderpig i mean -man 3 or shrek at all. liepa and i saw the simpsons movie. it was good enough with good company, if id' seen it alone sober i might have been disappointed. i thought it was gonna be better than the best episode. i laughed enough though.

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