Monday, December 10, 2007

I guess my work place isn't as crazy as I though :(

These work stories are funny! Specifically they are:

1. Inspirational
2. Good competition
3. So desperate you risk arrest
4. Good lesson
5. Don't work with French people
6. Shows you're stupid not to send it back
7. I do most things nude besides working with power tools
8. I guess they won't be flying to the international speedo convention!
9. My friend was arrested for being a fake doctor and giving people shots of grape-ade
10. Too awesome
11. Same team, same team!
12. I only ask my boss for things when she's in a good mood...duh...
13. :D
14. Now who's a weiner??
15. I hope that wasn't Sim...

1 comment:

Trashcan said...

14 was clearly the funniest. This license plate was stolen, unless you see it on the back of a giant hotdog. I'm in support of more food shaped cars. We should have a coca-cola car shaped like a soda bottle, and hamburger car, and a ham car, and mayonnaise car, and a beer car. And most importantly they should all give away free samples.

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