Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Not a bedtime story?

You may think you can read babies anything before bed, that they don't understand anything more complicated than I Am A Bunny anyway, so what's the difference? Well, I don't know if the uneasy sleep last night was because of nightmares, but I think I'll refrain in the future from reading The Fall of the House of Usher as a bedtime story.


special lady said...

Yeah, Arai, ka Tu padarei su special baby?! dingo ramios miego naktys kaip i vandeni...
teks grizti prie Zuikio ir Raudonkepuraites, ir butinai "Goodnight Moon".

Trashcan said...

I don't know what the fall of the house of usher is, but tete used to read us the lord of the rings when we were like a year old, and that's pretty nightmare inspiring. Ghosts, wizards, ogres, goblins, etc...

You could ask him ,but i don't think it was ever a problem

Aras said...

trashcan, that's why i included a link, so you could read it. it's not long.

it's actually much more frightening than lotr because it's about real horrors, not fairy tale ones: human decay and incest, championed by the european class system, which rewards the unworthy and decadent.

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