Monday, February 19, 2007

Tree Huggers in Lithuania!

Oh yes, we have tree huggers now, just like you Americans do, you think you're so special. Our tree huggers are very concerned about the environment and environmentalism and conservationism and clean air and water and animals. Not!

On the way to the bus stop this morning, I did see someone hugging a tree, but it wasn't to protest deforestation. I thought he was hugging the tree to keep from falling down drunk, and I still thing that's how his relationship with the tree began. He was asleep. The only thing he was trying to conserve, apparently, was his verticalism.

p.s. this Onion article reminds me of something awesome I made over the weekend: cheeseburgers with jalapeños mixed in! Lately I been mixing jalapeños or jalapeño brine into everything.


Liepa said...

isn't it like -30 there?!? falling asleep outside sounds dangerous.

also, i might be spending my year in between school and grad school in vilnius! i really hope i get 10,000 dollars to do it too... but even if i don't, i might come anyway.... so prepare for constant liepa visits!

mrdarius said...

liepa, it sounds like you've been dropping hints to someone on aro blog: "i wish i had a pet in college"..."i really hope i get 10,000 dollars"

also, the biggest tree hugger in lietuva is the president -- a former regional boss of the environmental protection agency in the US of A.

mrdarius said...

not to mention the former president who was impeached --- although i think he was more like the anti-verticalism tree hugger you mentioned...he was drunk at every event i saw him at.

Trashcan said...

I wish i had a copy of that dane cook opening from saturday night live. I've listened to some of his other stuff, and most of it is pretty funny, but nothing as good as that opening.

Let's do this, I'm a cashew!

p.s. funny story about that and a night at neringa, but not appropriate for public audience

mrdarius said...

also, for all the tree huggers in lithuania, there's Sally Baliunas:

Aras said...

i don't get it dariau, does she work in lithuania, or is she just lithuanian american? i'd be very interested to know, since i'm teaching an english class tomorrow; one topic is environmentalism in lithuania. about which i know nothing.

mrdarius said...

i have no idea re sally...just assumed she's lugan.

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