Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Coffee's for Suckers...and people who wake up early

After two months of no coffee this summer, I decided if I'm ever going to quit drinking coffee it'll be much better now than later. I was afraid that as soon as I started working, I'd need it. But I didn't. Until today. I was fine with tea until today. Today I had to get up as 6 a.m. (God, no!) I've had two strong cups of black tea, but at 10:40 I'm already brewing a third. Yawn. I have a colleague who used to drink coffee alot and quit, she inspired me to do this, pretty much. Well, I hope it doesn't take too much longer. However, my schedules getting a little jumbled around, and it looks like my early classes will probably get moved. I'll never have to wake up so early again!


Trashcan said...

you should just drink iced tea, its super delicious, and not at all addictive. Plus its a very convenient way to get drunk without anybody noticing. Slip a little vodka in, and nobody will ever realize it. I think i'm going to go drink some now.

Aras said...

is that why you don't have a job yet? mama thought it was cause you watch too much tv! you sneaky butthead...

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