Thursday, September 13, 2007

I lost my lunch...literally!

Well not exactly, but I left it at home twice in one stupid is that? I made a tuna sandwich and packed it with half a liter of tomato juice in my cooler-lunchbox. Then I went to work without it. At 10:15 I had to drop off the car at the mechanic and take a cab back to work. The mechanic's close to home, so I decided to stop by and grab my lunch and some papers. I grabbed the papers and forgot the lunch again! What the hell! Now I'm gonna have to have a tuna sandwich for dinner instead of tacos! That sucks! Tacos're way better!! Dammit!!!

p.s. I had the sandwich as soon as I got home and the tacos a couple hours later...


Trashcan said...

I once lost my lunch literally on a roller coaster. It was all spiny and i wasn't feeling good, and then we went upside down and my sandwich fell out. Then i was feeling even worse. It was super delicious.

Aras said...

that was close, i almost burst out laughing in the middle of some Armenian's speech. how stupid can you be, you had a sandwich in your pocket on a roller coaster? was it the corkscrew??

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