Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Wrong Field?

As you may know, I'm studying for a master's degree in Educational Management. Today we had to present our informational projects and take a test for Educational Politics class. Mine was a pamphlet about my International Office (which I'll use for work too). I went last, because I was late (moving a file for printing: how can a two page document not fit on a floppy disk?!), but this didn't prepare me extra, really, because there was only one comment given by the professor to almost ever student: "don't read me what you wrote, tell me why you wrote it!" I couldn't believe my colleagues kept making the same mistake. Anyway, I made sure to do it right, plus explain which things I purposely left out, and the response was "Excellent, if this was Marketing I'd give you a ten without even taking the test! But it's Politics, so you gotta take it..."

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