Thursday, November 23, 2006


This morning I didn't have work till later than usual, so during breakfast I watched a little Robin Williams Live on Broadway, including the part about the "side effects" that are so tremendous that they're "effects, really." Then just now I read this paragraphy in a NYT article about meds for kids and their side effects:

"Last year, the Food and Drug Administration required drug makers to warn on their labels that antidepressants can cause suicidal thoughts and behavior in some children. Anticonvulsant drugs carry warnings about liver and pancreas damage and fatal skin rashes. The side effects of antipsychotic medicines can include rapid weight gain, diabetes, irreversible tics and, in elderly patients with dementia, sudden death. When drugs are combined, these risks compound."

Suicidal thoughts? Liver and pancreas damage and fatal skin rashes? Rapid weight gain, diabetes, irreversible tics? Sudden death!? WHAT! Sudden death!? Warning: may cause sudden death; if death occurs, consult your doctor. Yeah, those sound like some bearable side effects!


mrdarius said...

sudden death vs. anal leakage -- which is worse?

Aras said...

anal leakage is probably worse.

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