Monday, November 13, 2006

My Uncle Bob's Letter to the Paper

My Uncle Bob is the quintessential young single uncle, the one who's young enough to still be a rascal when you're old enough to just be starting to be a rascal. Like asking questions about girls that were embarrasing but also enlightening. Also, I got him to take me to Terminator 2 in Minneapolis when my father wouldn't let me see it at home. He taught me to shave using a blade, since my father hasn't shaved since the 70s.

Here's an article he wrote about Donald Rumsfeld's handling of the Iraq war.

1 comment:

owner said...

Sounds like a great guy, but his analysis is a bit off. D-Rum is being criticized for creating a military that is both short on manpower, while maintaing an overbloated budget for high-tech weaponry completely unsuitable for this century's conflicts, for intimidating/ignoring his generals and placing yes-men in the joint chiefs of staff, and for ignoring the realities of a conflict like Iraq. As a neo-con, he was at the forefront of intellectuals and advisors pushing for an invasion. The fact that casualties have been low compared to other wars is great, but is irrelevant in light of the fact that our mission has NOT been accomplished there, and increasingly seems like we won't.

Also, he's amazing at producing gobbledygook.

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