Wednesday, December 06, 2006

the gayest gay cartoons you could watch growing up, so gay that watching his cartoons will make you a gay automatic mop, a power one:

conan the barbarian!!


Liepa said...

yeah, well lokys watched them even more!

Trashcan said...

it's not clear to me how lokys got brought into this argument. Clearly liepa and aras got into some sort of an argument with the result of aras claiming that liepa was gay because she watched conan the barbarian. And instead of defending herself from aras' ridicioulus accusation, liepa felt the need to instead through someone else under the bus. In effect making the claim that although she might be a gay automatic power mop, lokys is a bigger gay automatic power mop. I would think a psych major would know better, but i guess not.

Jim Gust said...

"Throw" not "through"

Liepa said...

um, how am i supposed to defend myself against this ridiculousness?

does anyone in lietuva remark about how often you talk about things being gay arai? slash, do people still believe homosexuality was made up by hollywood to entertain us?

Aras said...

no, nobody remarks on it, except rastenis, since he's the gayest person i've ever met, literally, very literally, and no, people don't still think it's make believe. i wonder if they'll admit they ever did.

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