Friday, February 23, 2007

A Number (4) of Things to Watch Out For

  1. When you buy tickets to the theater, make sure it's the drama theater, not the musical theater
  2. Before buying them, make sure Fiddler on the Roof is less than three and a half hours long, so you don't have to leave during intermission and buy another pair of tickets to see the end of the show another day
  3. When buying a bottle of tomato juice to make a cocktail to bring along, making the show bearable, make sure it's acutally juice; I accidentally bought a bottle of sauce (wtf?!) and ended up with a rather thick Bloody Mary
  4. When you get home and make quesadillas, don't forget to put jalapenos in them


Liepa said...

i looooooove bloody marys! not thick though, i find clamato juice even tastier than tomato juice!

mountain dew? i'll take a clam juice!

Aras said...

how do you pronounce clamato?

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