Friday, May 04, 2007

Don't like it? Open your open restraunt you loser!

The loser in this story doesn't realize that America is a free country, and the lawmaker's no better. The more I think about it, their position isn't just un-American, it's absurd. If Mr. Díaz's law is passed, "requiring retail establishments to accept all forms and denominations of legal tender," that means fast-food restaurants can't have their "no bills larger than 20" policy. That'll be a great incentive to make counterfeit bills, Mr. Diaz. And after somebody pays for a cheeseburger with a thousand dollar bill, there won't be any small bills left to make change for anybody else, dimwit. And I just love the idea of car dealerships being forced to count $50,000 worth of pennies, that's a splendid idea. And guess what else? Do your "diverse ways” of paying for chicken wings include checks and credit cards? Because if they do, that'll increase the price of everything when restaurants are forced to pay fees and instill of those systems. So instead of the poor paying for food with the money they can get ahold of they can't pay for it at all and go hungry.

Mr. Jones and Mr. Diaz, remember how much fun you had today the next time somebody dies of starvation in Albany.

p.s. I'd be just as angry as Mr. Jones, but you know what I do when that happens? I don't throw a tantrum. I don't get the city involved (thanks for wasting thousands of tax dollars). I certainly don't try to get the place shut down, you fuckin fascist. I just don't go there anymore.


Trashcan said...

I believe that any currency is already legal tender for any debts incured in the United States. I don't have any dollar bills with me, so someone with dollar bills can check what exactly it says. But i beilieve if you owe someone money, they cannot legally refuse to take any form of cash as a payment and try to force you to pay in some other form. Although if you are exchanging currency and services(food) at the same time, then i guess they can refuse the transaction if you won't pay in certain denomonations.

Aras said...

yeah, that's what she said!

mrdarius said...

"This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private." I guess not according to the New York State marriage license bureau:

Money Order Order

This is my counter: