Monday, April 18, 2005

Fuckin French Bastards

So those French Bastards have to have they're own wierd keyboard set up, just to mess with foreigners, just to make sure we never forget what bigots they are. I show up in Belgium, which is forced to use the bloody french hardware, even the Flemish side, full of good faith. I thought, "lemme give the cocky French Homos a chance, let bygones be bygones."

And what do I find? I go to the library to spruce up my power point presentation. I get some things done, but what should've taken me fifteen minutes took an hour. Why? Those Penis-Eating Frogs wanted to get even with us for being better than them at everything. So they switched the A and the Q. They switched the M and the semi-colon. They switched the W and the Z, for the love of God! And the Numbers? Forget about it. Anybody who got an email or IMed with me last week knows...

And here I am back in Klaipeda, ready to forgive and forget. Guess what happens now. After a week of struggling with the bloody things, I got used to them! Now I'm mixing all the shit up in reverse! Dq;n it!

Besides that, my Belgium Trip was a huge success, which I'll write about tomorrow.


Jim Gust said...

The French appear likely to reject the EU constitution in May, which will result in the collapse of the EU itself.

So, maybe they are good for something.

Rachel Croucher said...

right on!

Rachel Croucher said...

wait a minute, what about Médecins Sans Frontières? And all the free loving Catholics?

mrdarius said...

Hey, man...the French do do a few things right...

mustard, wine, Brigitte Bardot, umm...strong defensive lines...oh wait...

Rachel Croucher said...


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