Thursday, January 18, 2007

what's up with levi's jeans? they only last for a year now, has it always been like that?

Stupidest trip of my life, I there's no emoticon to describe how stupid public healthcare is. On some days I work in places public transport won't take me, so I take compensated cabs. Today I didn't take one all the way back to my normal workplace though, because I had to go to the polyclinic. I had to, told me my special somebody...

I had to go get my record to bring to her. I go to the dermatologist, and there's literally 20 people waiting there. Hoping they were waiting for somebody else I just went in, and she said I have to wait, and I asked if that wait would be very long, and she said yes, she's got a lot of patients. Can I make an appointment? No: first come, first serve. Everytime you go to the doctor, you risk spending the whole day there.

I went there Monday, incidentally, and waited; she was absent for at least 15 minutes at 9:30 a.m. before I gave up. And then I gotta go to work by bus, cause I can't get two compensated cabs for one trip. So I've sacrificed two mornings this week to public health care, and I'd just like to say, go to hell.


special lady said...

atrodo smagus rytas :)

svarbiausia ne tai, kiek laiko prasedeta pas gydytoja, o tai, kokie rezultatai.

Aras said...

Kokie rezultatai? There aren't any results when you don't have time to wait. I've got three fuckin jobs, I can't spend two hours or more waiting around in the middle of a weekday.

Jim Gust said...

what, they can't just mail the records?

Aras said...

Mail them? No, I have to go wait in line to have them pull my record from a filing cabinet on one floor, and bring them to the doctor on another floor. It can take up to an hour to get the record. Then there might be another hour, two hour wait for the doctor, or not. Usually the dermatologist has no wait, but it's unpredicatble.

Trashcan said...

I don't know why your title is about jeans, but i bought a new pair of jeans in september and they already broke. I had to take them to get the zipper repaired. The jeans probably cost 25 and the repair is going to cost 16.

Trashcan said...

Also looks like the US is pretty well on the way to universal health care. The governator is trying to get it passed in california. Not only for all californians, but even for all illegal immagrants, or at least all illegal immigrant children.

mrdarius said...

what about E mail?

Aras said...

loky, unless they ripped from being torn asunder in a heat of passion, or a desperate need to drain the lizzard, i think they're covered by warranty for three months.

instead of paying 64% of their cost for repairs, i recommend you do this instead: buy a new pair of jeans and wear them on top of your old pair, so nobody sees the ripper, i mean, zipper. you could also just wear your underware on the outside, that'd do the trick.

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