Monday, February 26, 2007

Good Eats When I'm On My Own

Just kidding. On my own for the weekend, I didn't make anything great, what's the point? Who's gonna say "thank you, it was delicious" and kiss me? Nobody. So Friday, alone for dinner: store bought dunes: frozen meat dumplings with sour cream and soy sauce. Saturday night for dinner I spiced it up, cause I was tipsy. I made the other half of the dunes, but this time I used double the sour cream, figuring, I can use the extra sauce as dip for potato chips. But instead of eating the dunes and leaving half the sauce, I spiced it up even more, cause I'm an idiot. I decided to eat the dunes as part of the dip: take a couple chips, scoop up a dune, and eat it all! I need to hang up a mirror in the kitchen; it'd be interesting to see exactly what a culinary cretin looks like in action. Sunday morning I ate the rest of the chips for breakfast. For lunch I went all out: instant mashed potatoes with hot dog slices mixed in. I hate hot dogs, really hate them, but they're the only precooked meat I had. Good thing I wasn't on my own more than 48 hours, I probably would have died of malnutrition!


Liepa said...

i made mushroom dunes for dinner tonight! they are from mato laniausko mociute... we get bags and bags of frozen koldunai and mesininkai and blyneliai su varske every time he visits. sometimes there's even frozen spirguciai. not this time though, i had to make my own. and use teriyaki sauce because we're out of soy. the chip idea sounds bad though. instant mashed potatoes also sound like the worst thing ever. and i hate hot dogs with a passion.

Aras said...

instant mashed potatos actually aren't bad, though I too expected them to be terrible.

Trashcan said...

when i was alone over the summer sophmore year i went to the store and hot dogs were on sale for a dollar a pound, so i bought like 60 hotdogs and ate hotdogs everyday. i mixed it up slightly because with the hot dogs i would eat either eggs, or tuna fish or both. And i did have cereal for ruffige, minny carrots for vitamins, and bacon, mayonaisse, and pepperoni for flavoring. But combinations of those foods is pretty much all i ate all summer

Aras said...

man, no bread loky? what did you spread the mayo on, the bacon? although i guess that'd be in line with your love of mayo=butter and homer simpson:

"butter that bacon, boy!"

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