Friday, October 26, 2007

Spell Checker

You ever write something in Word, and you get a red underlining indicating that it's misspelled? And then you look at the word and you can't figure out what's wrong with it? That happened to me this morning when I was writing about boybotting. I got all frustrated. How could Word not know the word boybotting?! That's a perfectly normal word. I'm sitting there, writing a letter about boybotting products from China, and my thought process is totally destroyed by retarted Microsoft Word. I thought, it's my own stupid fault for stopping my boybot of Microsoft products, maybe I should start boybotting them too, go back to good old Apple computers. Well, just for the hell of it, I right-clicked the word...oh, boycotting! That's what I meant.


mrdarius said...

You sure this isn't what you were thinking of:

Aras said...

yuck! now i have to delete my site log so nobody at work thinks i went there on purpose. thanks alot. now i'll have to type the full name of my common web addresses until explorer remembers them again...

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