Thursday, October 25, 2007

Why read new books when I've already read all the good ones?

I've gotten out of the habit of reading good books. Last night I started reading for the fourth or fifth time the greatest book ever, Tai Pan by James Clavell. I know that I'm not in the habit anymore, because I don't keep my eyes on the same line the whole way through. You know when you're reading something entertaining but like whatever, by Janet Evanovich, you can just read like half of every other line and that's plenty to keep the story going? Well, not with a great book like this.

It's a classic, which means it gets better each time you read it. Other books like that are others in his Asian saga, any fiction by Ayn Rand, the best of Heinlein including Stranger in a Strange Land and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, some stuff by Ludlum like the Bourne Identity, the founding trilogy and the twins trilogy of the Dragon Lance series, some of the short stories by Salinger, Poe, and Hemingway.

Ever had a falling out with a book? When I read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, I loved it so much I decided I'd read it once a year for the rest of my life. Well, it's been about ten years and I've made good on my promise exactly zero times. Over the same time period I've read repeatedly books that I didn't fall so head over heels for. Well


mrdarius said...

i've followed through on the exact same zen promise zero and one half times.

Aras said...

hey did i tell you i found your bear book? it was in one of my luggage pieces.

mrdarius said...

neat. you did not. i also thought you stole a dostoyevsky book of mine.

then i thought you hid it somewhere in my apartment as a joke. and then i found it on our bookshelf of DIY books and cartoons, so either you did pay a joke on us, or i was really drunk when you visited.

Aras said...

i don't recall rearranging your books. that's a good idea though. i still gotta get even with you for changing all the names in my phone that time.

Trashcan said...

I recently reread the dragonlance series cause it was easing reading while waiting around. I think they may be the only books i've ever read more than once. There however several books that my dad read to me, and then i read myself later on like dune or stranger. I might have read some of them twice, its hard to remember. Also for everyone else, shortly after aras wrote this blog message, but before i read i was talking to him and brought up a character from tai-pan that matches someone he was talking about. That's the best part of the book, the fact that the characters are so memorable

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