Wednesday, January 02, 2008


I made Eggnog 6 times in December, it was so good. It was so fantastically delicious I just couldn't stop making it for every occasion.

  1. December 1, Test run (hadn't made it for 11 months, had to make sure it was as good as I remembered it)
  2. December 21, Office Party, almost everybody drank it, and more people raved about it than declined to finish, a surprise, since so many middle aged Lithuanian women (90% of my colleagues) are obsessed with no sugar/no fat diets; when I introduced the drink as Eggnog, one of our English language specialists told people around her in Lithuanian "He said it's called an egg's nut."
  3. December 22, special wife's Office Party, but I took a bit of it to work myself as thanks to those whose praise was so bountiful
  4. December 24, Christmas Eve, Lithuanians for the most part don't drink on this day, so we had to kill the 28 drinks one recipe makes on our own
  5. December 26, Christmas Day II, a bunch of relatives came over to help us with the fresh Big Ass Ham we made the day before
  6. December 29, Pizza party at Egle and Mindaugo place, including a Speed Quarters Death Match (we pretty much all died, count that as winning or losing, as you wish), during which I had to take six penalty shots of Green 999 back to back as Mindaugas and my special wife kept skipping me back and forth; that's cause I had to keep pouring the drinks myself, I didn't ahve a chance to get out of the loop!


Trashcan said...

I think the real secret to eggnog is that you have it so rarely. If it was around all year people would get sick of it and never drink it.

Aras said...

That's not a secret, it's true of everything! Everything? Yes, everything I can think of.

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