Friday, April 18, 2008

I didn't even have to use my winter lining when I pulled out my trench coat for the rainy season

My DVD remote is broken, so I can't watch anything that requires navigating the menu: this includes all movies I've purchased in Lithuania, and most tv show dvds (if you want to watch more than the first episode). I watched X-Men 2, which I like, a few days ago. I thought maybe I'd been too hard on X-Men 3, so I decided to give it another try. Big mistake. Everything I wrote then was true, plus I notices many glaring inconsistencies. S t u p i d . . .


Trashcan said...

I think they are already making a sequel about wolverine. Why do people go to see crumtastic movies like pirates of the caribbean 3 and x-men 3, and so few go to good movies like the princess bride.

Aras said...

clearly the reason is that that the crappy sequals you mentioned came after good movies. it's like, in your second term as president, you don't have to impress anybody, cause it's the end one way or the other. but people expect the second term to be as good as the first. that's why, according to wikipedia, "barring major scandal or controversy, about 95% of congressional incumbents win re-election."

Trashcan said...

Your analogy is clearly not apt. First off a sequel to a movie is not the end. Many of these movies will continue to have more sequels as long as they are still making money. There's at least 1 more x-man movie, and there has at least been talk about another pirates movie although i don't know if anything is actually happening. secondly a president cannot be taken out of office once he stops impressing movies his term is guaranteed. But movie goers can stop going to see crummy sequels at any time. And yet for some reason they don't. I can understand the desire to see a story line out to the end. Yeah i heard it's crummy, but i saw the first 2 movies so i want to find out how it ends. But if htat's all you want, then rent it, or better yet get it for free from the library.

Aras said...

in both series you mentioned, the actors had a three movie deal with the producers, or whomever, so that's why i meant it was the end. traditionally in that situation the fourth movie never comes because if the first three were a smash all the actors demand way more money, which they can't do until their contract expires. that's why i meant it was the end.

and as for your idea that people can just not go, you said yourself they do anyway, so you might was well say they can't not go.

mrdarius said...

our remote is broken too. well, actually it's lost. and the universal remote we bought to replace it doesn't have a dvd select function. we figured out that you can still navigate a dvd though. you click 3 and then enter if you want to select the 3rd thing in a list and so forth. but now it's out of batteries. damnit.

Aras said...

ha ha, your troubles cheer me up, dariau!

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