Monday, July 28, 2008

Klaipeda Sea Orgy Festival

Well! Dave Stira showed up on Friday for the Festical. Testicle. I mean, Festival. We had broccoli chicken alfredo, a shot of Portuguese schnapps, made some drink with gin and bitters and soda water that Stira suggested. Not particularly good, had to add sprite to it on on the way to town. Walked around the festival, and it was just like i said it was: durham fair with booze everywhere. A bit of chicken and french fries and dunes through the night. And then the left overs from dinner. Some beers too.

Saturday we went for a 25 mile bike ride to Juodkrane and back. Stira was on the coast for the first time and he's leaving soon, so I took him via the scenic route to the Hill of Witches. Redbull Vodka. Then back home for some beers and giant meatball sandwiches, which were so good I'd punch most people in the fast to get another one right now! Then rum and cokes and out to town for more festival, Stira desperately needed a light colored festival t-shirt for his old man's birthday present. We found one, but he didn't buy it, cause 30 lits seemed like too much (drunk move!). We argued politics into the night with more beer. We got pretty hungry but nobody would feed us at 2 a.m., so we went home and made giant cheeseburgers.

Banana bread for breakfast and then back to town Sunday to get the t-shirt, which is no longer available in while, only black, and only in XXL, and even that's only at the last t-shirt stand we can find. Chicken wraps. No beer for me, I'm driving this day. A walk through the sculpture park for more pictures.

Also, the whole time we played Waldo, spotting people dressed in red and white stripes, owing each other a beer for each score. Plenty of fun!


Anonymous said...

WOW! i'm sorry i missed out on that one!

Aras said...

if you hadn't, you'd still be calling out "Waldo!" out loud, all by yourself walking down the street...

House said...

Other highlights include a perfectly-executed drink-and-dash at that restaurant where the girl said they were not cooking food any more, despite the fact that they obviously were.

Additionally, persuading another drinks girl to give us beers despite the fact that the fuzz told her not to.

I posted some pictures on my picasa album. You can get to it off my blog which is like your -- first name last name dot blogspot dot com. Presently, I will be sending you a package with (a) phone charger, (b) cd of all pictures, and (c) special surprise.

Thanks again for the hospitality.

Aras said...

Our pleasure!

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