Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pseudo + Feminism = Fuckface

As a femenist, I don't open the door for all women all the time, and sometimes I open the door for a man: I decide whether or not to do that based on other, non-gender criteria. That's what real femenism is.

If you look it up in the dictionary, femenism is "the doctrine advocating social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men." Equal rights means equal opportunities and responsibilities for both genders, not free rides for either at professions where they don't excel.

The "reality-denying feminists" in Math Is Harder for Girls, by Heather Mac Donald, are what I have been calling pseudo femenists for years. What they are doing is the opposite of real feminism: they want the goverment to force employers to misemploy women, insead of deeming gender a non-criterion. It makes me sick.


mrdarius said...

What is the male version of feminism? Machismo? Misogyny? Is there no equivalently non-partisan word? Does it even make sense to name this concept according to gender?

Wouldn't it make more sense to name it according to a gender neutral standard?

Non-gender skills-based egalitarianism just doesn't sound right."Egalitarian" might, in common usage seem like a very un-rayndian term, however is the best measure of man(kind) when based only on true worth.

Jim Gust said...

Oddly, "femenism" is not in my dictionary at all. Is that a Lithuanian word?

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