Thursday, November 20, 2008

Delicious Chili

I made some Delicious Chili Sunday, and we've been eating it all week. A bowl for breakfast Monday so that it would fit in the crackpot, chili for dinner with shredded cheese and corn chips, which is the same thing we had Wednesday for dinner, but Tuesday we had quesadillas with chili cheese filling with guacamole (obviously home made). Tonight I'm having trouble deciding, because we had nachos recently enough that I don't want it to get repetitive, but probably we'll have nachos with chili cheese topping, and tomorrow it'll be chili in Armenian bread. That should be the end of it. It will have been a fabulously yummy week.

It's thanks to Darius, who reads all my blog complaints about the lack of beans in this country. He sent me a thoughtful gift of 13 bean mix for soup. Instead of three cans of elusive black beans that the recipe called for, I used one cup of the mix soaked and simmered plus one can of red beans. It was awesome, tastier and I suspect healthier with a variety of beans. Thanks brother!


Anonymous said...

oh my GOD, how much have you been farting this week?!

Aras said...

not extra. i think at least the kid and i have been subject to smellier shits, but i don't think the fart count has increased.

Trashcan said...

They did a test on fart counts on mythbusters. They ate various foods and measured their fart counts, but i forget what the results were.

mrdarius said...


Aras said...

speaking of fart foods, i made deviled eggs late last night for today's breakfast. despite the snow, we spent most of the day with the windows open.

This is my counter: