Wednesday, November 16, 2005

New Movies, Old Books

I saw The Legend of Zorro, which was entertaining, despite bold ridiculousness. You know that thing where somebody shows up just in the knick of time to save the day, and you realize, there's no way he could have know to be there at that moment! Well, that happened 129 times. However, I laughed with the movie as well as at it, so it was worth ten lits.

I began rereading Stranger in a Strange Land, by Heinlein, which is one of my other top five books. It's fun to reread, but I've read it enought times that I'd rather reread The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, which I've only read once. They're especially fun to read because they are, respectivly, my father's and mother's favorite Heinlein book, and I'm not sure which I prefer.

I should note that the reason I keep rereading the same books is that I only have like 10 books with me in Klaipeda, and obviously I brought my best ones (I read The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress from the Boston Public Library, so of course there it remains). So send me books for Chistmas! Get em used, I don't care, I'd just love to read something new!


mrdarius said...

i'm probably gonna bring you some books of mine...

Aras said...

nice. i'll have to staple you together something i print out from the internet :)

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