Wednesday, October 31, 2007

My Anti-Heroes

Three of my heros are pirates, but I wouldn't want to be one of the loser pirates writtten about in this article.

And that firestarter in the X-Files was pretty neat, but I can't imagine any kid I'd hate to be more than this kid! Jesus H. Fuckface!

And ugly is ugly, but this is the ugliest presidential candidate I know of!


mrdarius said...

you should see his wife:
Kucinich's wife

Aras said...

my wife is hotter!

Trashcan said...

Also he's a crazy person. He claims he has seen a UFO, and he tried to impeach cheney. If he's just running for president on a lark then fine, but if you actually thought you were running for president, or wanted to try and be the vice president then you need to at least pretend to be normal

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