Wednesday, December 22, 2004

The Lithuanian Solution to Hangovers

This morning the dorm supervisor woke me up by barging into my room, as she has done to my roommate in the past. I responded by refusing to talk to her until she went out and knocked on my door like a civilized person. The result was that she just walked away.

Following this, Tomas, a coworker, woke up on my bed (I crashed on my couch) and said, "are you going to work?" Oh yeah, i said, in like twenty minutes! We gotta kill this whisky first, he said. OK. And we drank something else--stronger--on the walk to the bus. and we took the left over brandy with us.

At work, first of all, many people asked me about my health, more people than saw me drunk last night, so apperently I was in rare form.

About noon my desk-neighbor said "hey, i'm not into presents, so let's say merry christmas by having a little conjac." OK. "i'll get you back with some brandy a little later."

A little later was in an hour, when Tomas came into our office and asked, "hey, any brandy left?!" as if i drank the whole half liter during work in the morning. so we had a couple of drinks of that.

so by the time i go to my second lunch of the day, as I only do hungover, i was already not in good-judgement-mode. as always i ordered lunch with no drink, cause i bring my own to save money. they woman said "is that all," as always, but when i said yeah she said "really?" i said, "um, yeah, well, what?" "hangover?" she said (we drank together last night)? i replied, "yes, i'd love to feel like shit, can i have one order of 'hangover' please?" she laughed and said, "no, champpagne?" i said, "WHAT, YOU HAVE CHAMPAGNE BACK THERE? yeah, sure, ok."

she comes back with an empty glass and says, liquer, maybe? um, ok. and she pours me a glass, A G-L-A-S-S, of vodka, V-O-D-K-A! and this i drink with my second lunch, then go out for a ciggy piggy with the lunch ladies.

so, to recap: i woke up fucked, and before i even took a shower a coworker convinced me to have "just one drink," which turned into the rest of a bottle. including that, it's FOUR ocassions on which my coworkers gave a very hung over and still a little drunk Aras more booze to fix him up, including, a full glass of vodka.

And I'm only writing this at 3p.m. God help me.

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