Wednesday, December 22, 2004

My Chistmas Toast

last night was a teacher get-together after the last day of tests (exams, which are more serious (of which i have none) are after new years). there was some kind of thing where they said every second person of a different gender at the banquet table should say something, and if fell upon me. people were already kinda drunk, so not everyone was listening, and i was also a little drunk too, so i said "shh, just don't get everyone's attention (the director and dean were already listening--I was sitting next to them--and also at least ten other people). these past four months have been amazing. never did i imagine that i would find, so early in life, a place that is really a pleasure to work, not only because of my students, most of whom are wonderful, but because of you, my coworkers, all of whom are wonderful. thank you."

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