Wednesday, September 07, 2005

First Pop Quiz

I know new first years heard about me from the second years, cause they knew I speak Lithuanian (which I staunchly denied). I guess they didn't take seriously the part about what a hard ass I am, because 93.4 of them failed the first pop quiz. The average was a 28.636. It was on the second day of class. They'd read the first chapter of English Grammar for Dummies for homework. They'd been given as much time as they wanted for questions and discussion in the following class. When they had no more questions I said "Nothing else? Really? You understand everything? No more questions? Well, okay then, take out a clean piece of paper."

The thing is I was much stricter with grades second semester last year, and I noticed students putting alot more effort into learning. So I figure I won't skip first semester this year, I won't even skip the first week. If anything, I'll skip going to the bathroom and just pee out the window; how's that for dedication?


Liepa said...

gahd, i hope my professors aren't like you!

i doubt it though, i was the only one in physical anthro today... and i talked almost as much as he did-- about culture, lithuanian americans, gatacca, monkeys on the discovery channel... he's cool.

Aras said...

that's funny, my students all feel the same way at first also. but by the end of the year, any group that has the choice of staying with me or switching to another english teacher chooses to stay. in fact, i didn't even have room in my schedule for all the groups that wanted me. i had to choose.

some students do voluntarily switch to another teacher. they're the ones who don't come to class, just show up with their grade books and say "what do i have to do to pass here? just squeeze by with a D-, you know?"

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