Friday, September 30, 2005

the numerable things i drank yesterday

two cups of coffee before leaving home, another at the 10am break, another at the 11:30 break, two more at 2pm when i ducked into work for a while (master's classes). so that's six cups of coffee: i was wired.

the last class (3:30-6:30) was canceled cause the room they put us in wasn't big enough, so everybody goes for a drink. three beers for me. then another on my way back to town after changing clothes and eating a left over chicken breast with delicious kc masterpiece bbq sauce (thanks lisa!). a beer with sabastian at onyx. then three at his place while we played quarters and saw plikusas on tv. then one on the way to memelis, one at memelis, and one on the kalnapislis boat. so that makes...11 beers. that doesn't seem like it justifies how bad i feel, but rest assured: i feel quite bad!

p.s. i had a plan worked out in case anybody noticed me coming in to work 20 minutes late. i was gonna make up a story off the top of my head about how i was buying milk and this crazy woman in front of me took forever cause she got into an argument with her husband and then her cild joined in.....the point is the story goes on forever until my superiors tire of it and have more important things to do. i know it would work too, cause the only woman who might say anything to me is one who doesn't even have time to listen to me when i'm being serious.


mrdarius said...

i had a similar night last night. i had 3 glasses of JD rye whiskey (mmm). i didn't even realize it until this morning when i ignored my alarm for 30 minutes and then ignored ellen when she was trying to wake me up. but even then, i didn't realize how bad things were. the shower and train ride helped put it into perspective, as did 7 hours of sitting in front of a computer and in meetings. oh my poor head. and by the way, damn you, asprin. you failed miserably today.

Jim Gust said...

seems like your kidneys are getting a heck of a workout--not to mention your liver.

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