Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Mulholland Drive

Has anybody seen this movie and checked Lynch's10CluestoUnlocktheThriller? My only disappointment was that none of the clues explain a way to get back the two hours of my life I wasted. I wanted to quit with ten minutes left, that's how bad it was, better to waste an hour and fifty minutes than two hours, I always says. My special lady insisted we see how it ends, maybe something will make sense out of this tragic dump, but no, the last ten minutes just made it worse and worse, and then boom, no conclusion, it's just over. I thought the days of "And then she woke up and it was all a dream" were over.

On IMDb I tried to find out the is the meaning of this, and a helpful user explained that "The actual truth is what you determine it to be." Well then, I determine this movie to be a piece of shit.


Jim Gust said...

David Lynch is something of an acquired taste. Have you seen any of his other work?

Aras said...


Jim Gust said...

i really enjoyed the straight story, which was not so surreal. you may have seen his version of dune. then there is twin peaks, which, although very strange, was reasonably understandable.

mrdarius said...

i remember watching lost highway and not much else about it. except that nine inch nails did a song for it. that probably means it was too dense for me.

Aras said...

i don't thing i seen any of those.

that song was awesome, dariau. do you have the lost highway soundtrack? you should, there's a few other good songs on it too by those guys whose name i always forget but i went to seen them (smashing pumkings!) at the hartford civic center and we all smoked fat cigars and the people around us were so mad ;)

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