Tuesday, May 02, 2006

An interesting batch from Statcounter

This week's results are more varried than usual, here's some of the searches:

vebra flower (canada)
they got these big chewy pretzels
sirvydas vebra
a hole bunch of pictures of best friends
the best tattoos
tattoos on vagina
lokys liepa (2 times)
liepa vebra
meet hottie simona (Peru)
there was one from spain a couple weeks ago: lokys stupid

my siblings and i seem to be a popular search topic...


Trashcan said...

lokys stupid? who from spain would search for that, and more importantly, what would the words lokys stupid bring someone to this blog. Why would you have those words in connection to each other anywhere in this blog? i demand vengeance, i want vengeance.

Trashcan said...

Also, do you have big chewy pretzels there? like in klaipeda? cause that would be totally awesome. Unless they cost 5 dollars, then it would totally suck.

Aras said...

big chewy bagels would be the shit, except you know what would be even better is bagels. just normal bagels, like uh thomas's or or dunkin donuts. that's one thing i miss in lietuva is bagels. here the bagels are small and hard, like gravel. i espciacially miss the blueberry, with cream cheese, but also especially all the other ones, like onion, with cream cheese and salami.

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