Friday, April 28, 2006

The most exciting thing...

It's really exciting to skip lunch in favor of eating meatloaf sandwiches on the bus to Vilnius after work. I made enough for six hearty men, but just for two people, so I could use mad left overs to make these babies. It's gonna be a hungry wait, but the pay off is gonna be so worth it, I'm gonna be moaning in that bus, everybody's gonna hear me going "mmm...[chewing sounds]...mmm...oh baby...mmm..."

Then when I get to Vilnius it's Šašlikai Time, in honor of Lokys and Liepa's Citizenship Party. So today is a day of gluttony, but the rest of the weekend won't be, I don't think, cause it's Gedo Birthday, and we'll be on some kind of fantasy island plantation where we have to forage for food, or maybe they leave some hidden packages of food in hard to reach places or something, I don't know all the rules yet.


Trashcan said...

yeah i ate the meatloaf you left. Lcukily it had already started molding. Wait not luckily, i mean tragically. It was still okay after i cut off some of the moldy parts, but wasn't anything worth getting especially excited about.

Aras said...

man that had been sitting out in the sunny room for three days at least!

Trashcan said...

can you tell me what's in the secret sauce?

NO! now go put this 40 gallon tub of mayonnaise in the sun.

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