Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I'm so ronery, I am so ronery...

I gave away my laptop last night to be repaired. They're gonna call me today to either tell me to come get it or bring in the box for it to be shipped for repairs...luckily I'm sick so I just went to bed right away, cause if I had to sit around my room by myself without crappy backgammon, crappy hearts, and snood, I don't know how many times I'd kill myself.

Oh and I miss my special lady too ;)

I got the call...I'm on my way to bring them the box...rooks rike I am so ronery for some serious time to come... :(


Trashcan said...

you play snood?

Aras said...

sure, why not? it's a perfectly cromulent game. and you can do really amazing things if you play on dificulty level: child. then it shows you where your piece is going so you can do amazing bank shots :D

i found it searching for nintendo freeware. i did that after i gave up on alpha centauri freeware. sirvydas is off looking at schools for next year, and i'm too embarrased to ask my friends to hook my up with video games.

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