Friday, April 07, 2006

I can finally stay in Lithuania permanently!


Liepa said...

let's just say, we must discuss future plans concerning this new find...

mrdarius said...

is it any good? looks very unmarbled in the picture.

Aras said...

dariau, it's perfectly cromulent. it could be a little fattier, but that's all.

alecreative, yeah habibi!

rachel, pepperoni is a specific type of highly spiced pork and beef sausage. it's distinctly different from salami. both authentic pepperoni and authentic salami are distinctly different from anything in lithuania. they've got tons of sausage here, and much of it is perfectly cromulent, it's just not the same as we're used to.

Trashcan said...

So what is so good about this bacon? the fact that it is pre-sliced? or the taste. Although i will admit slicing bacon is an anoyance, i'm happy to go to the turgus to buy my bacon, it's very delicious, plus i can make the slices as thick as i want(very thick).

Aras said...

yes trash, it's the preslicing. two good improvements. vacuum packaging, for freshness. more importantly, much more importantly, is that the rind is not there. for the love of God, why the hell would you have the rind of every slice of bacon? that's how they do it locally though.

slicing your own bacon is enjoyable, but not at 6:42 in the morning. at that time you're liable to lose a finger, or your whole hand. or even arm!

rachel, you're 100% mistaken about the pizza. pepperoni isn't necesarily presliced, but it is normally sliced. the only person i can imagine eating a nonsliced pepperoni is lokys. and here's a great visual rendering:

Liepa said...

imagine my disappointment when 8 years ago in cili pica in vilnius i saw pepperoni pizza on the menu, got SO excited, and received a cheese pizza with one big ring of red paprika pepper in the middle...

mrdarius said...

yeah, rach, they serve that during intermission at the national opera house. it's splendiferous.

arai, where do you get your pepperoni in LT? do you have a good source in vilnius. my mom is looking.

Aras said...

naw, i can only get it at the iki in BIG. liepa said she found it in vilnius though, ask her!

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