Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Spring is in the air! Ah, what a beautiful Lithuanian spring...


Aras said...

I'd'nt think this photo would cause longing! Damn everybody's wtf is spring conna come?! It's less than five months till autumn and we still got snow?!

Trashcan said...

yeah, i was wondering when i read that, is aras being sarcastic, or is that just a really bad photo. There have been some nice spring days, at least in Vilnius, but that didn't seem like one of them.

mrdarius said...

we here in nyc flirted with the 70's and then this happened. (The caption reads: You call this April? Large snowflakes fell on Broadway in Lower Manhattan about 11am yesterday. Above-freezing temperature caused the flakes to stick together).


Aras said...

that's crazy. our snow finally melted...yes!

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