Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Lokio SMSes

Are you sure you tried to download them all? Cock Sucker!!! Also neither cock nor sucker are the first words to come up?!? Cock Sucker!!!!!

Also did you slip work for snoring or did you just poor at work?

[Leaving work early for a booty call]'s the way to be, or else take a long lunch and go for the nooner.

I remember the first time i heard about nooners, married with children. Same for you?
(The answer was yes of course)


Liepa said...


Aras said...

Now that at least three students read this blog I don't feel completely comfortable explaining what a nooner is, but I guess the show must go on.

A nooner is when you rush home during your lunch break to have sex. The joke in Married, with Children, was that Al didn't understand what it was, he thought it was rushing home for a home cooked lunch, so he got all excited when Peggy agreed for him to rush home for a nooner and then he was very disappointed. I might have mixed something up there, I probably saw that when I was twelve.

special lady said...

yeah baby, NOONERS!!! ;)

Trashcan said...

man, lokys is awesome. He's totally not retarted in anyway. Well maybe in some ways, but only the good ways.

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