Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Six Day Diet Recap

Here's the diet:
Day One: cheated by not starting the diet till dinner instead of at breakfast.
Day Two: no cheating except for adding corn to the plain rice, and I had to heat up the leftovers by deliciously frying them because I have no microwave, that's no my fault...
Day Three: chicken day isn't hard to beat; I did use mustard on the chicken which I think is okay because mustard doesn't contain any fat or sugar or anything else besides mustard seed; I did however bake the breasts instead of boiling them, cause I learned from How to be a Man that only weirdos boil meat. After a couple bottles of wine I decided I should eat my chicken with BBQ sauce...
Day Four: the chicken wasn't fully cooked, so that was sort of gross. I had to heat it up somehow for dinner (still don't have a microwave), so I fried it in soy sauce and viniger. If I'd added sugar it would have been Sticky Chicken from Moody's Diner, which is delicious, but it was okay without the sugar too.
Day Five: this is the end, my friends. I ate apples all day, and would have kept going, but I came to Vilnius, and I'm not gonna eat apples all weekend when I'm with my family.

Result: lost a little weight. Don't know how much cause I don't have a scale, but on Friday I was pissed at myself all day for forgetting to wear a belt on the day I'm going to Vilnius, only to discover upon lifting up my sweater that I was wearing a belt, but on the normal hole it is now too big! Another result is a stomach virus from the uncooked chicken, possibly. 40 hours after eating it I vomited violently for hours through the night. You ever seen bile? That's some messed up bodily fluid, let me tell you...

Sms from Lokys: thanks a lot for the stomach virus you ass. Tonight the whole night through my date I felt nauseous and I wanted to shit my pants. This phone doesn't have shit? What the shit! Anyway back to the matter at hand thatnks alot. Next tuime you decide to eat raw chicken feel free to stay in jjahseea. P.S. I'm not actually mad at you so don't get the wrong idea, but shit man, what the shit!?


Liepa said...

my vacation in tallinn seems to have had many similarities with your trip to turkey-- i also accidently took out a thousand dolalrs at the first ATM (karolis confused the rate by a decimal point), the best drinks are various cocktails-- the beer is really really poor-- but vana tallinn is good, there are twice as many bars as in vilnius, but half as many people in them! cool, but very expensive (almost like the US), and completely empty.

i think i spent over half my time eating, the days were walking, eating, drinking, sleeping, walking eating drinking sleeping... we saw 3 museums, the sea, and some parks, but basically just the insides of restaurants and bars. the best restaurants were seafood, new york pizza, the african restaurant, and a super super fancy indian restaurant. needless to say, my trip was delicious.

Trashcan said...

maybe all that vomiting and shitting is part of the diet. It probably helps you lose more weight, especially if you stop eating for a couple of days because you are afraid of a relapse

Aras said...

unfortunately i didn't stop eating from fear of a relapse, i just stoped exercising even more.

mrdarius said...

that sounds like a very strange diet indeed. of course, my diet is now trying not to have a bagel every day and avoiding snacks. i quit my gym cuz it was too expensive, so all the weight i dropped over the past year is coming back really fast. i think lokys got it need to burn more calories than you take in.

Aras said...

hmm, i quit my gym cause i never went anymore. the trick is not to be too optimistic. there are three ro for really busy months a year when i have to go and have my membership suspended for that months, instead of thinking maybe i'll have time and then being disappointed.

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