Monday, November 29, 2004

Thanksgiving Day (Saturday)

My mother had had Thanksgiving dinner with her friends Thursday before I could be there (it's not a holiday here) so Saturday we just had new stuffing and the rest leftovers: turkey, gravy, cranberry sauce, brusselsprouts, apple pie, and pumpkin cheese cake. It was totally delish.

We talked alot about my students and also about Ukraine. The problem with the students is that they have been raised to cheat and lie, which I will not allow. But, as this is something they are utterly unprepared for, I must be gentle about it. It's not easy.

The problem with Ukraine is fraudulent elections. The incumbent Russian-backed government not only rigged the election that just took place, they've also flown in Russian special forces in the name of peacekeeping, but who subsequently changed into Ukrainian uniforms so that their actions couldn't be traced back to Russia (so they're planning atrocities). And, that's not even all: "somebody's" been poisoning the opposition candidate (who is western minded and concerned with the future of Ukraine instead of the future of Russia).

This is a very intersting situation and I urge you to keep an eye out for it; it's in the new york times every day.


Liepa said...

life is pretty good here too. last night i went to a huge dance party in the basement of sigma chi, where all my guy friends are, and everyone had to wear pajamas, by which i mean the girls wore transparent teddies and most guys were shirtless. hot. i don't think i've ever been hit on by so many random freshmen.

as for the transcript, no i have not located one. perhaps lokys has? on the other hand, no, i don't think he has. i think he has decided to just go along with anything i do. and if he doesn't get into the program for next year... no biggie to him, so why not.

as for thanksgiving... lokys and i made chicken and beef and a whole box of stuffing for just the two of us and broccoli. and we had student run thanksgiving dinner the day before, which had turkey and sweet potatoes and eggplant parmesan and pumpkin pie with whipped cream etc.

where did you get pumpking cheesecake? i want some.

now i need to study for a final i have in the morning and another on monday. mama's coming to chicago this weekend, which is bad timing because of finals, but also because i'm gonna make krupnikas this weekend with daina. and koldunai. from scratch! i'll let you know how they turn out. :D

mrdarius said...

what's this about the opposition being poisoned? i've slacked off with checking delfi, which i believe to have much better european news coverage than nytimes. i imagine that's where you read it.

Aras said...

actually, the part about poisoning is from my sources within the lithuanian prezidential palace, not the nyt. but probably this information came through delfi, yes.

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