Friday, November 26, 2004

Um, Cedric...Is This Gay Night?!

Having gone out Wednesday and gone home after one beer (well, and three at home first), we decided to do something unusual: go out Thursday night. We couldn't drink beer again, and we don't drink hard liquer on weeknights (or week days), so it was wine time. Wine is friggin expensive in LT though, so we decided to make some kind of french wine cocktail: cheap-ass wine and lemonade. It was actaully quite good, just hard to stomach in large quantities.

We went to Honolulu, despite a warning from Jurgis that it would be dead. It was far from it: lots of people, almost as many as on the weekend. There were several of the same people there that were there last Friday when Gedas, Donatas and I went, including a stundent, Beautiful Lesbian and some of her lesbian friends. Then I saw the gay hair stylist we'd talked to once and some other gay men with him. Then I looked around...

"Um, you notice anything out of the ordinary?"

"Yeah there's alot of homosexuals here!"

I don't think it's official, because it was about 40% hetero, but there were at least 30 gay people there, men and women. This is in a country where just six years ago they didn't believe in homosexuality--as in, they thought it was just a creation of Hollywood. I had told Gedas and Domas Vysniauskas about the gay student body at Wesleyan and they thought I was crazy.

It was fun though. I realized why they got the name "gay": "Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement; merry. " (

Beautiful Lesbian did a double take and noticed me, smiled, and came over and danced with me for a song. She a very fun dancer, but there was this other lesbian who totally knocked my socks off. This girl moved in ways that seemed impossible, with so much zest that it was actually intimidating.

So it was tons of fun, even though the staight hotties were few and far between. Also I met a drunk ass Swede named Magnum. How great is that for a name? I gotta name a kid that...

P.S. One of the gay guys totally looked like Derek Pearlman, whose surname I couldn't remember last night, I just kept thinking Jeter, Derek Jeter...

We left at one thirty, and on the way I noticed Beautiful Lesbian getting something out of her coat and going to sit by the window as I walked out the door. I made a point of looking through the window as I walked by it till we made eye contact and I waved Goodbye. She waved too. And smiled.

At home we had a night cap, I won a game of Buck Euchre, and we argued for a while about whether sexuality is black and white (Cedric) or if there is gray area (I) between homo-, bi-, and heterosexuality.

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