Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Oh, it's the best!

I love when this happens, it's amazing!!!

I wake up and have a nice breakfast: yoghurt, banana, one fried egg, and a piece of bread with nutella. a glass of juice and two cups of coffee. mmmmmm.........

then onto a shower, gettin clean, gettin ready for work, yeah!

i go brush my teeth and then a little mouth wash to be extra clean mouthed, and a little seeps down my throat, and it's so disgusting i barf into the sink!


mrdarius said...

bananas rock!

Aras said...

yeah, i always eat a banana in the morning usually.

(name whom i'm mocking)

mrdarius said...

probably rastenis. he usually eats bananas down by the docks though...or so i read.

Aras said...

good guess, but no, i was mocking sirvydas. i once accused him of leaving the refrigerator open, and he replied "i always close the refrigerator usually!"

Rachel Croucher said...

great, and I was just about to have dinner!

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