Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Two things I that are fun to do

Go to the grocery store, select nothing but a bottle of champagne and a pack of condoms. Pick out the cutest cashier. Watch her look of amusement at the innocent mirth on your face. You really need to pick a cute one for this to work, cause otherwise they'll just have bitterness on their faces or else it means they're fed up with their job and nothing can amuse them.

And you'll keep being reminded of the fun you had over and over for as long as the champagne sits undrunk in your fridge and the condoms move from pants pocket to pants pocket without being used.

What the hell was the second one? I had this blog entry zip through my mind while I was putting my socks on this morning...I'll add it if I remember it later.


Rachel Croucher said...

do that and ask for a phone number!

Aras said...

that is a good idea...i could sign the credit card receipt with my phone number, but as i learned form you blog, she'd never notice...

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